Conditions I treat

While I help patients of all ages resolve many types of health concerns, my areas of clinical focus are listed below.

  • Chronic fatigue:

    You feel both physically and mentally exhausted. You know there’s probably something you could do to make it better, but your brain fog makes it so difficult to take care of yourself. You know you deserve to feel better, but you just don’t know where to start.

  • Digestion:

    You've always had a sensitive stomach, but recently your symptoms have become more of a problem. Stretchy clothes are now essential due to bloating, and you’ve stopped going out with friends for fear you won’t be able to get to a bathroom in time. You’ve read up on IBS and SIBO and you’re not sure what to make of it all.

  • Inclusive health support:

    You’re tired of health care providers telling you that you need to lose weight to be healthy, and I’m tired of it too! Obesity stigma causes more health issues than obesity does, which is why I focus on how you feel rather than how you look, as an indicator of your health.

  • Mental health support:

    You don’t know when it happened, but at some point you stopped enjoying life. You want to get back to loving your life, but depression and anxiety make it hard to feel motivated to make a change.

  • Chronic pain:

    Whether it’s a sports injury, general soreness from a desk job, or something more elusive like fibromyalgia, chronic pain can put a huge damper on your life. Rather than just relying on pain killers, you want to work towards healing your body and preventing the pain from being there in the first place.

  • Menstrual concerns:

    First it’s the mood swings and hormonal acne…next you’re dealing with back pain, cramps, and heavy bleeding. By the time you feel recovered and back to normal it seems the cycle starts all over again.